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.env files and their role in programming

Programming Environment files .env files

What Are Environment Variables?

Two fundamental components of any computer programming language are variables and constants. Like independent variables in a mathematical equation, these take on values that change the results of the program. Variables and constants both represent unique memory locations containing data the program uses in its calculations. The difference between the two is that variables values may change during execution, while constant values cannot be reassigned.

An environment variable is a variable whose value is set outside the program, typically through functionality built into the operating system or microservice. An environment variable is made up of a name/value pair, and any number may be created and available for reference at a point in time.

What is a .env file?

What do .env files look like?


How .env Files Were Born

The Twelve-Factor App was originally drafted by developers at Heroku in 2012 who built a feature called Config Vars into their application dashboard. These Key/Value pairs were then injected during deployment as environment variables, enabling any language supported by Heroku to consume them.

Heroku’s Config Vars are injected into the environment during deployment.

This proved environment variables were the ideal delivery format for app config and secrets with a simple and straightforward UI for editing. Heroku even added the feature of automatically reloading the application whenever the Config Vars changed.

So Heroku had solved this problem for their customers, but what about the multitude of other hosting providers and platforms?

Shell scripts could be written to set an application’s environment variables during deployment before the app runs, but this approach is application and platform specific, with different shell syntax required for Linux and Windows.

That’s where .env files come in. A plain text file of key/value pairs that is actually just valid Linux shell syntax for defining variables.

Why use .env files?

It’s all about context

Whatever language it’s written in, your application is ultimately a pile of code. That pile of code is static and unchanging between the different times and places it runs.

When it runs, though, it’s going to care about other “stuff.” That stuff could be a database, a cache server, a file system, a remote authentication gateway, or a thousand other things. That other “stuff” is the context in which the application runs. Or, alternatively, its environment.

That environment could be variable. Your application may require a PostgreSQL server, but which PostgreSQL server it connects to, and the data in it at any given point in time, is all part of the environment and could change independently of your code. You want your application to talk to a payment gateway, but which credentials it uses may vary depending on the context you’re running in. Building production payment API keys into your application and then sending it for testing tends to end badly.

When building an application, it’s important to keep a clean separation between “stuff that is the same in all environments” and “stuff that changes in each environment.” The former is your code. The latter is your environment configuration.

Unix-like operating systems have had a mechanism for handling that environment-specific configuration for decades: environment variables. Environment variables are system-global string values that any application can read at any time and use that to make decisions about what code to run.

Whither Configuration?

That’s not the only way that applications can vary their behavior, of course. Most applications have some kind of “configuration file,” which contains other settings that can cause the application to behave differently. These could be executable files (PHP, Javascript, Python, etc.) or non-executable files (YAML, XML, ini, JSON, TOML, etc.), and the details vary as widely as the applications.

The important distinction is that some of that configuration should vary with the install of the application, while others vary with the environment. Remember, any given application may be run in multiple instances for testing.

For example, if you’re building an application that users can install and configure themselves, the “company name” that the application is for is going to vary depending on which user is running it. But the database it connects to is going to vary for every instance of the application that user runs. Think production, testing, local laptop, etc. Those should all have the same company name, but different database credentials.

That is the first important step: separating your application’s per-install configuration (company name) from per-environment configuration (database). Putting those in the same file makes it substantially harder to vary per environment without also making the per-install configuration vary.

An executable configuration file sometimes has a backdoor option to allow the environment to vary. Depending on how the file is written, it may be possible to modify it manually to read certain values from somewhere else: an extra include file, environment variables, etc. That’s still a hack, though. You want to be able to put the consistent configuration into Git, so its changes are updated across all instances, but not the environment-specific configuration.

And that’s where environment variables come in.

Being environmental

The ideal place to store environment-specific configuration is in environment variables. The mechanisms for setting them are well-established. The APIs for reading them are universal. While two different applications may not use the same variable name, there are many simple ways to set one environment variable based on another.

For production and testing, therefore, the best place to manage environment-specific configuration is environment variables. Either design your application to read from them directly, or design it to have a user-modifiable executable configuration file that can be modified to read values from the environment rather than hard code them directly. That way, when you move the application from production to staging to your other staging to a branch-specific environment, you need only update the environment variables for those new environments and the application will keep on chugging.

Coming home

The caveat with that approach, however, is local development. Odds are you don’t want to set a global variable across your entire computer just to tell your application’s dev copy what fake credentials to use or where your test database is. Even if you’re using a containerized environment locally, you may not want to fiddle with environment variables directly.

This is where the .env file comes into play. .env is a de facto standard for an ini-like file that contains fake environment variables. An application that supports .env files will, on boot, run through each line in that file and read key=value pairs. For each, it will run “IF an environment variable with this name doesn’t already exist, set it based on this file.” That will set the variable only within the scope of your application’s process, without impacting any other processes on the computer. Then the rest of your application can proceed and read from the environment as it would anywhere else, entirely ignorant of that switcheroo. (Don’t write that code yourself. There are .env support libraries in every language that all do exactly the same thing. Use one of those.)

That, and only that, is the purpose of .env files: values that change per-environment, and thus are not part of your code base. Which brings up the most important thing to remember about  .env files: they do not belong in Git. Anything in Git is going to be the same on every environment, by design, which is exactly the opposite of what environment variables and .env file are for.

Values that do not change between environments also do not belong in the .env file. The site name, admin email address, and so on should either be in a read-only config file that is committed to Git or in the database, depending on if you want those configuration values to be end-user modifiable. (Either way is valid, as long as you do it deliberately.) But those values do not belong in the .env file, because they are not environment-specific.

Variable code?

Sometimes you may want to vary the code itself with the environment. Generally that doesn’t mean the source code, but the compilation process. In a compiled language (C, Rust, Go, Java, etc.) you may want to leave debug symbols in the compiled code in development but not in production. Even in interpreted languages (PHP, Javascript, Python, etc.) you may want to compile your CSS or aggregated Javascript differently, stripping out whitespace only in production so it’s easier to debug, for instance.